Our event calendar is free. Upload your local event info below. For $25 you can also add a Top Banner Ad below.
You can choose one or all of the below Ad-types for your event! Simply type your event name in the space provided and click the Add to Cart button below each Ad-type you would like to purchase. That will open Paypal in another window allowing you to come back to this page and select another Ad-type to include in your cart.
There is a monthly, $25 fee for this ad-type, for as long as you would like to run your ad. Please purchase your ad/ads first (the
Add to Cart button will open a new window for you to pay using a secure Paypal site). After you have paid, please click on
Upload Your Ad button above and fill out the event form. and then email your logo to
Christine Puetz.
There is monthly, $40 fee for this ad-type, for as long as you would like to run your ad. Please purchase your ad/ads first (the Add to Cart button will open a new window for you to pay using a secure Paypal site). After you have paid, please email your full-page artwork to
OMRRClub with the subject line "Running Brief Ad"